Pro Comp Lift Kits


Pro Comp USA designs their products with the driver always in mind. When purchasing a Suspension Lift Kit by Pro Comp USA, vehicle performance, handling and overall ride comfort are three huge factors taken into consideration in order to provide the best solution whether you are looking to lift your vehicle or increase handling and overall performance throughout your entire suspension system.

Aside from look and performance Pro Comp also strives for perfection when it comes to vehicle safety. Pro Comp is FMVSS 126 Certified meaning that Pro Comp Suspension Lift Kits, Tires and Accessories do not interfere with your vehicles ESC (Electronic Stability Control) and have been tested first hand on the track rather than theoretically in the lab.

To this day, Pro Comp suspension lift kits are highly respected across the nation and continues to fit the needs of on-road and off-road enthusiasts alike.